• iconKunti Nagar, New Area - 2, Nawada (Bihar)
  • icon info@mesnawada.com

Work Hours: Monday - Saturday - 8:30 Am to 3:00 Pm


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Academic Rules

Registration & Admission

CBSE ApprovedCandidates seeking admission must purchase a prospectus attached with registration-cum-admission form and after duly filling it, they must submit it to the office within stipulated day. Therafter, on a sheduled date, admission test is conducted and based on the performance of the candidate in the admission test, admission is allowed.


Features: Admission-cum-registration form must be accompanied with the following documents:
School Leaving Certificate from the school you last studied.
Birth Certificate ISSUED BY the Department of Statistics of the State Govt. / Municipality / Mukhiya / Hospital / Affidavit.
Two Passport size Photographs duly affixed on the prescribed place.
Note: Principal reserves the sole right either to allow for admission or not.

Subject Combination

CBSE ApprovedWe offer subject combinaion for class IX to XII as per CBSE rules.

We offer NCERT syllabus and following subject combination:
For class IX and X: Hindi, English, Science, Mathematics, S.St., Sanskrit, I.T.(Code 402)
For XI and XII:(Math Group)
Main subjects: (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Core, Painting).
Skill subjects: Information Technology (subject code 802), Applied Mathematics.
For XI and XII:(Bio Group)
Main subjects: (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English Core, Painting).
Skill subjects: Information Technology (subject code 802), Applied Mathematics.
For XI and XII:(Commerce Group)
Main subjects: (English Core, Mathematics or Informatics Practices , Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Painting).
Skill subjects: Information Technology (subject code 802), Applied Mathematics.
Exams & Promotion

Exam & Promotion The school is affiliated to CBSE and the CCE guidelines have been implemented from Class Nursery onwards with a Grading system reflecting Scholastic as well as Co-Scholastic areas in the Report Card. Project work and oral testing emphasize the importance on self exploration and presentation skills.

A strong academic curriculum is followed with emphasis on experiential learning through planned class activities, audio visual aids Multiple Intelligence lesson plans, Modules on the Smart Boards supplement the teaching content in all classrooms from class NUR to XII.

Following assessment rules are followed:-
90% Attendance is compulsory for all assessment held being the year, failing which the student will be given a zero.
There is no provision for reassessing students, who remain absent on the day of the assessment, or those who have failed in one or more subject. request for change in assessment dates or timings will not be entertained.
Students reporting late for assessment will not be given any extra time.
Unfair means: Students found using any unfair means during any of the assessment will be given a zero in that subject. Parents and the concerned student will be summoned and asked to provide an explanation. A repeat of such an action in future will result in the prompt issue of a SLC, without notice.
The answer scripts will be shown to students after evaluation as per the shedule define.
Request for the issue of Progress Report before the declaration of result will not be entertained.
A duplicate of Report Card (if Lost/Damaged) shall be issued on a payment of Rs. 500.
Marking Scheme

Time to time, the CBSE has been publishing guidelines for evaluation of examination copies of all subjects. Our teachers strictly follow the rules to evaluate each question of all examination's subject papers.
We provide sufficient time to our teachers for evaluating answer sheet properly.
The Examination Incharge is always careful for the correct evaluation of Exam papers.
The facility of cross checking of examination answer sheet.
The strict disciplines are maintained in evaluation system.
The Examination Incharge has the sole right to take any dicision in evaluation system.