• iconKunti Nagar, New Area - 2, Nawada (Bihar)
  • icon info@mesnawada.com

Work Hours: Monday - Saturday - 8:30 Am to 3:00 Pm


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|| Welcome to Modern English School, Nawada || Registration for Admission in New Session Started.

Academic Guidelines

Academic Rules & Regulations

Our school always follow the academic rules and regulation in order to educate the children. We provide them a set of rules which is made under the strict supervision of experienced tachers and it is expected from the children to follow the rules during the time of study.

We provide them a routine of study which should be followed at their home also. It is expected also from the guardian to support the school to make sure the students must follow the same rules.

It is compulsory for all students to complete 75% attendance before every exam to make them eligible to sit for the examination. In case attendance is short, students will not be eligible for promotion or any academics award.

All children are expected to attend school on the opening day after every vacation and must be present before closing for the vacation. If the student is absent due to sickness must submit a medical certificate before joining the class.

A child returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor

Student suffering from any one the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
Chicken Pox - Till complete falling of scabs.
Cholera - Till the child is completely well.
Mumps - Until the swelling has gone.
Whooping cough - Six weeks.
Jaundice - Six Weeks..
Measles - Two weeks after the rash disappear.

The following disciplinary measures will be adopted by the school:
1. Oral warning & counseling.
2. Written warning.
3. Withdrawal of bus facility for misbehavior in the school bus. (Parents will be responsible for picking them up and dropping them to school)

Expulsion: Your admission can be annulled in the following cases:
In case of worst performance.
Gross indiscipline in the school.
In non-payment of the school fee.
Suffering from the serious infection disease.
Indulgence in anti school activities & disturbing class room.
In these cases, the school Principal having the sole right to take any discision against the students.

Students should bring the School Diary to school every day.The students should affix his/her photograph and fill in the required information, Duly Signed by the parent in the space provided for in the Diary.

It is compulsory for all students to attend the morning assembly. Students should reach school before the first bell rings. Coming late to school is punishable offence. Late comers must bring an application from their parents otherwise they will be sent back home. Attendance on the last day of the school before vacation is absolutely essential.

It is obligatory for all students to attend every class as per the timetable.

No child shall leave the school premises during school hours without the prior permission of the principal.While changing class rooms students must move in a line and observe complete silence. When using stair cases and corridors, all students must keep to the left.Care must be taken of school property and no student should scratch, spoil or cause damage in any way to any item belonging to their school. Damage to school property will have to be paid for by the concerned student. The students are not expected to fiddle with the apparatus in the labs.

Late comes, uniform defaulters, fee defaulters and children who do not do their homework regularly will be sent home after two warnings.

Modern English School students should observe standards wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judge by them. Bulling language is prohibited and punishable as per school rules.

No half day leave will be granted to any student. However, relaxation will be given only to sick students on the days of the test/ exam. Where in the child may be allowed to go home on a written request from the parents, which must be given to the Class teacher.

Disciplinary action will be taken against students found using unfair means during examinations which may result in expulsion from the school, students are required to expulsion to behave politely. They should not use indecent language or indulge in fights and quarrels with others.

The following practices are strictly forbidden.
Damage school property.
Use of Violence in any form.
Use of Mobile Phones.
All the students must wear neat and proper school uniform.
The dress should be according to routine.
Boys are not permitted to keep long hair.
Girl students are not allowed to wear fancy jewellery, nail polish, fancy clips etc. They have to wear either a white ribbon or a simple white hair band.
Indisciplined behavior in the school bus will result in the student being debarred from using the same.
Any objectionable conduct outside the school will make the student liable for disciplinary action. Every student should take care of his/her personal belongings.
No student is allowed to bring any kind of gadgets in the school premises. The fact that the student has been dismissed from the school on disciplinary grounds shall be so mentioned on the transfer certificate.
Bi- cycles must be kept locked and in the space provided. Unlocked bi-cycles will be removed from the school premises. No other vehicle is allowed in the school. School authorities will not be responsible for any theft of the same.
In order to acquire a good command of the English language which is the medium of instruction for all subjects, Children should speak only in English in the school premises.

Home is the first school of the child. Parents are the formeost instructors. So, parents are expected to instil in students alertness to their daily routine, activeness to their homework, feeling of regularity in their arrival at the school, friendship, patriotism and discipline.

It is also expected from the parents/guardians that they will always be serious to health, good company and the daily activities of their wards and will always keep them alert & watchful to the same.

Please do observe the school assigned "DIRECTIONS" and daily routine.

Kindly create an ideal environemnet in your house so that an ideal view may be created in them.

The parents & guardians are requested to abide by the following instructions:
Check whether the student wears their school ID card and dresses according to routine.
Go through the school diary and sign the teacher's remarks, if any.
Attending the PTA meeting regularly.
Check the bag and ensure whether no other items in the bag except study materials.
During the Zero Period, the students can take benefits of the facility.


Regular and punctual presence in the school.
Friendship with classmates, respect for and adherence to teachers and dedication to the school.
Awareness to ones cleanliness and co-operation in keeping the school neat and clean.
Compliance to healthy body and healthy mind.
Necessary participation in the activities organised by the school.
Keeping class work, home work, school diary and ones knowledge upto date.
Keeping study materials as per routine, lunch box and water bottle into the school bag.
Showing respect for parents, teachers and elders.
Showing compassion and love to youngers, animals, birds, forest and environment.
To cherish extreme dedication to motherland, working place, family, society, humanity and country
Strict ban on bringing and using mobile / cellular phones in the school campus.
Necessary participation in the activities organised by the school.

Parent-Teachers meet takes place at the beginning of new session, the closing of the previous session and even during the session after three months so that teachers, parents and management all may deliberate together over the progress of students. If need be, PTM be arranged any time.

We arrange the PTM during the academic session to share the views for all round development of children.

All subject teachers share their views.
Teachers note down the problems of students for taking the right steps for the progress of students.
Guardians are also allowed to share their views with teachers for all round development of students.
Some academic scholars are invited to make their experience share for the mental and physical growth of students.